Our Vision
To be a world leading school known for its unique and innovative neuro-diverse educational programs where students’ potential is unlocked so they can achieve their best as global citizens.
Our Mission
Rossbourne’s purpose is to enhance the life chances of its students by putting them at the centre of learning, and creating opportunities to develop independence, social connection, resilience, and respectful relationships.
Our mission is to nurture our students as they develop self-worth and confidence. To empower them to realise their strengths so they will build foundations for personal achievements, creating opportunities to define their own success in making a positive contribution to our community.
Rossbourne School is an independent, co-educational, non-denominational secondary school for students identified as having learning difficulties.
Rossbourne School is a unique secondary school catering for the needs of students who find social and academic success within a mainstream school difficult because of neuro-developmental challenges.
To enrol your child at Rossbourne School, book a school tour and you will have the opportunity to register your interest, without cost, at the conclusion of the tour.