Our approach
Rossbourne School has a coherent and comprehensive curriculum that provides a continuum of learning for each individual student.
We believe strongly in a student centred approach that embraces diversity and connection so all feel a sense of genuine belonging.
Our approach fosters youth voice, agency and engagement, which is vital to each student reaching their potential.
Our Approach to Curricular

Our curriculum includes specific learning areas and key dispositions that are developed, practiced, and demonstrated by students and staff in and through all learning across the school.
Rossbourne School emphasizes the importance of coordinating practices across all key settings including the classroom, co-curricular programs, families, and our wider community.
A whole school approach to curriculum planning ensures that all staff have a shared vision, common language and an aligned understanding of the school’s processes for curriculum planning, monitoring, evaluation and review.
Quality implementation of well-designed, evidence-based, classroom programs and practices are a foundational element. We believe in creating opportunities, allowing each student to develop their independence, social connections, resilience and to engage in respectful relationships. This approach fosters youth voice, agency and engagement, which is vital to each student reaching their potential.
Our purpose
Our purpose is to enhance the life chances of our students by putting them at the centre of learning, and creating opportunities to develop independence, social connection, resilience and respectful relationships.
We strive to achieve this by:
- Ensuring teachers have the skills to recognise and support students’ learning and personal development
- Aligning curriculum with student needs
- Developing and implementing personalised school programs in all key-learning areas
- Ensuring accountability for learning outcomes through focus on planning, assessment, evaluation and reporting
Our environment
Rossbourne School is a well-resourced learning environment that is safe, enjoyable and supportive.
We strive to achieve this by:
- Ensuring that all students experience success based on Individual Learning Plans and staff support
- Providing explicit teaching in co-operative learning skills
- Offering appropriate levels of challenge in a safe physical environment
- Ensuring supportive structures exist for staff and students
- Providing specialist support via the school’s Psychologists and Speech Therapist
- Providing access to new technologies to enhance learning outcomes
Rossbourne School knows that all children can learn well given a conducive environment.
We strive to achieve this by:
- Creating opportunities for active participation
- Teaching students how to learn rather than only focusing on what to learn
- Assisting students to see the connection between ‘school’ learning and ‘life’ learning
- Providing relevant and meaningful learning activities
Our community
Rossbourne School teaches students the importance of being responsible for their own behaviour.
We strive to achieve this by:
- Providing instruction regarding making choices
- Ensuring structures exist to promote responsibility for personal actions
- Choosing a positive focus and making every experience a learning experience
Rossbourne School culture is centred on positive partnerships.
We strive to achieve this by:
- Recognising and promoting partnerships with students, teachers, parents and community
- Teaching effective communication
- Insisting that all interactions are dignified and respectful
- Respecting all points of view
- Celebrating diversity (valuing differences)
- Encouraging activities that celebrates collegiality and promotes professionalism