Educational Philosophy
At Rossbourne, we believe strongly in a student centred approach that embraces diversity and connection so all feel a sense of genuine belonging.
Rossbourne makes student wellbeing and personalised learning a priority, creating a culture and environment where students feel empowered as learners able to determine their learning pace, focusing and capitalising on their strengths as they make decisions about their learning pathways.
Our culture and approach is strategically planned so students have the opportunity to achieve their full potential, educationally and socially. We believe that each student should have an Individual Learning Plan, catering for individual learning needs that supports personal and academic development.
Years 7 and 8
Building the Foundations
Our students are nurtured and supported during this time of personal transition; a time that is fascinating and complex: a time of accelerated growth and change; and of expanding horizons, self-discovery, and emerging independence.
Years 9 and 10
Extending and Reaching Out
Students are guided to enhance their independence, empathy, self-reflectiveness and open-mindedness. Our curriculum provides students the opportunity to develop problem solving and decision making skills through an engaging, diverse and interactive program.
Years 11 and 12
Preparing for the Next Phase
With a strong focus on preparing for an independent life as a young adult, students gain knowledge and experience as they complete the VCAL, explore the world of TAFE and work while under the care and support of Rossbourne’s teachers, benefitting from our unique structures and options.
Rossbourne School is a unique secondary school catering for the needs of students who find social and academic success within a mainstream school difficult because of neuro-developmental challenges.
To enrol your child at Rossbourne School, book a school tour and you will have the opportunity to register your interest, without cost, at the conclusion of the tour.