Rossbourne School has a coherent and comprehensive curriculum that provides a continuum of learning for each individual student.
The curriculum includes specific learning areas and key dispositions that are developed, practiced, and demonstrated by students and staff in and through all learning across the school. Rossbourne School emphasizes the importance of coordinating practices across all key settings including the classroom, co-curricular programs, families, and our wider community.
Outlined below is a comprehensive description of Rossbourne’s core subject offerings.

Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) at Rossbourne School engages the entire school community in creating, caring, and inspiring equitable learning environments that promote social, emotional and academic growth. SEL is integral to teaching and learning at Rossbourne School, it is embodied in all curriculum, policies and community partnerships.
SEL at Rossbourne School takes a systemic approach that emphasizes the importance of coordinating practices across all key settings including classrooms, whole school, families, and our wider community.
The Social Emotional Learning curriculum is shaped by three key interconnected ideas: Self-Managing, Self-Monitoring and Self Modifying. These strands are informed by evidence base research and provide a framework for integrating the emotional, social and academic dimensions of learning. The curriculum aims to embed deep understanding and thinking within these three key areas. We look to interconnect and interrelate, knowledge, skills and dispositions within and across the essential areas of learning.
Through shared common language and a collaborative learning model, we aim to provide rich learning experiences in which to explore the knowledge. The priority is to provide learning opportunities to practice, create, apply and evaluate dispositional knowledge, understanding and skills within each learning area. Rossbourne School consciously and consistently work towards developing each students’ social emotional capabilities.

The English curriculum at Rossbourne School assists students to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding of English language as the fundamental mode of communication. Language use is central to human experience, and is a primary means of forming, elaborating and communicating thought. Through exploration and structured pathways, the English curriculum supports students to nurture their natural curiosity. In building strong language skills, students undertake a key learning area that prepares them for the future, promotes a deeper and richer experience of everyday life, and fosters strong self-esteem.
It is also an important part of building strong connections to the wider community. The English curriculum at Rossbourne also recognises the overall context of an ever-changing world, which is constantly shaped and re-shaped by the changing and multiplying technologies of the digital and multi-modal age.
Programs are informed by current and developing science in the fields of language and literacy acquisition and usage, and is capable of adapting to recent evidence. Communication and comprehension underpin all teaching and learning of language and literacy, and this assists with the generalisation of skills and understanding which can then be applied in multiple contexts. The skills of multi-modal writing are also a critical part of communication, and so form a crucial part of Rossbourne’s targeted and adaptable curriculum that responds to diverse needs.
Cross and co-curricular connections exist between the English curriculum and all other curriculum areas of the school. These interconnections further inform our overall understanding of language and literacy acquisition amongst our students, and assist in enhancing and better targeting our individualised programs.

Mathematics is the language of pattern, measurement and logical rules. Mathematics is the art of interpreting, quantifying, and working with error and uncertainty. Mathematics involves using imagination, intuition and reasoning to find new ideas and to solve puzzling problems. Mathematics is a science which helps to explain who we are and where we came from.
If mathematics is a language, an art, a science, then learning mathematics should be an essential learning component of everyone’s life. Mathematics at Rossbourne provides students with the opportunity and challenge to engage in genuine mathematical activity and develop the skills to become flexible, critical and creative users of mathematics.
It involves far more than acquiring knowledge. It involves students identifying and posing problems, selecting and applying appropriate mathematical knowledge, strategies and technologies to find solutions. It also involves conjecturing and proving, applying and verifying, generalising, communicating ideas and solutions and reflecting on learning.
Students are encouraged to disclose their own understanding of what they have learned and supported to show connections between the concepts they have learned. Our aim is to encourage students to be curious, resourceful, collaborative and resilient when working mathematically.

Adolescent Health & Physical Education
In Adolescent Health and Physical Education, students develop the skills, knowledge, and understandings to strengthen their sense of self, and to build and manage satisfying, respectful relationships. They acquire movement skills and concepts that enable them to participate in a range of physical activities within both our school environment and the wider community. The Adolescent Health and Physical Education curriculum is shaped by six key interconnected ideas that are informed by evidence base research. The curriculum aims to embed deep understanding and thinking within these key areas.
Through shared common language and a collaborative learning model, we aim to provide rich learning experiences in which to explore the knowledge. The priority is to provide learning opportunities to practice, create, apply and evaluate knowledge, understanding and skills within the learning area.
The curriculum is informed by a strength-based approach. This approach affirms that all students have particular strengths and resources that can be nurtured to improve their own health, wellbeing, movement competence and participation in physical activity. Group structures are fluid and allow for need based learning. Units of work allow for flexible timelines; that provide ongoing, developmentally appropriate and explicit learning around health and movement.
Cross-curriculum connections exist between the Adolescent Health program and other learning areas within the school. These opportunities add depth and richness to students learning and assist with the generalisation of knowledge and skills between students, teachers and the wider community. The Adolescent Health and Physical Education curriculum provides a continuum of learning that meets the individual needs of each student at Rossbourne School.

Information Communication Technology
Digital Technologies are about new and constantly developing ways in which we can communicate, inquire, make decisions and solve problems, enhancing significantly the way we do things. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools, knowledge and skills enable us to live, work and think in new ways.
Since Digital Technologies have a significant impact and broad implications in everyday life, our students must be provided with opportunities and assistance to understand, apply and integrate these tools and processes efficiently, ethically and safely. Students bring with them a unique set of ICT skills and experiences
These form the basis of individual program planning. Software and apps that support learning styles, develop mindfulness and creativity as well as extend learning and critical thinking are examined. The development of ICT capabilities in staying safe when interacting with digital technologies underlies all sessions as is skill development and extension in accessing the school’s network, desktop navigation and application use.
The use of authoring and data-handling software that encourage higher order thinking skills and sequencing is also examined. A range of online tools and resources are also introduced to model appropriate and safe, online collaborative behaviours and further developing Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy skills.

The Humanities Curriculum at Rossbourne School assists students in their understanding of the complex processes that shape the modern world. Students engage in the study of human behaviours and interactions, in social, cultural, environmental, economic, and political contexts. They are provided with both a historical and contemporary focus in which to examine systems of society and people’s interconnection with the environment.
Through this lens students are encouraged to view themselves as contributing members of their community, country and to value their belonging in an increasingly diverse world. Students explore important questions about the biological, physical and technological world. Students are empowered to question, think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, make decisions, and adapt to change.
The curriculum allows students to make reflective and informed decisions, to engage in ways that shape a better world through the wellbeing and sustainability of the environment, economy, and society. Through a range of inquiry-based projects and an integrated curriculum, students view the world from a range of perspectives past, present and future. The Humanities strands allows students to develop respect for social, cultural and religious diversity.
The Science strand allows students to experience the wonder of scientific discovery and nurture their curiosity about the world around them. The curriculum allows our students to develop the curiosity, skills, knowledge and understandings to equip them to respond to challenges and to contribute personally and collectively to a cohesive society.

Multimedia Literacy
Multimedia Literacy is at the heart of inquiry learning. Information skills assist students to satisfy their changing information needs, pursue independent lifelong learning and contribute to the development of an informed society. Information skills development is essential for information literacy in the contemporary environment. There has been an explosion of knowledge and enormous advances in technology into the twenty-first century. It is essential for students to develop skills in using information as part of the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning in a rapidly changing world.
People who are aware of information sources and services, who have the confidence to approach them, and the flexibility of thinking to use them, have the basis for a better quality of life than those who are unable to pursue their information needs.
The curriculum has an important role in developing information literacy and fostering a love for reading, searching information to strengthen knowledge and viewing. The priority is to promote information literacy by helping students develop skills to find, evaluate, use, create and share information and knowledge, understanding and skills within the learning area. This approach affirms that all students have access to multimedia, books, electronic print to assist in building individual skills.

Design Technology
In Design Technology, students develop the confidence, skills and understanding to be able to respond to design challenges in a creative and safe way. They experience working with different materials and learn the most effective ways to work with them. Students follow the design process to develop, refine and evaluate their work.
Safe work practices and knowledge are progressively built upon, enabling students to work independently. The foundation is laid for problem solving and decision making in a broad range of creative projects.
The Design Technology curriculum is shaped by three key interconnected ideas that are informed by evidence-based research. Students come to understand how the design process links with products being made and processes used in the broader community. They participate in practical tasks and are introduced to diverse ways of thinking and working.
The priority is to provide knowledge and skills that are transferable to new situations at school, within the wider community and to future work opportunities.

Food Technology
Food Technology offers students an experiential curriculum that aims to support their knowledge, skills and understanding around the importance of nutrition, food preparation skills, methods and techniques.
Through exploration, manipulation and observation students explore food, food techniques and food preparation. With increasing community concerns around food issues, including the nutritional quality of food and the environmental impact of food manufacturing process, food and health literacy enables students to make knowledgeable decisions. Informed students are better able to make critical choices around the food they consume and how they consume it.
Integral to the curriculum is the building of skills around meal preparation and cooking methods, key learnings that prepare students for their future lives.
The curriculum has a strength-based approach where students progressively develop knowledge, skills and understandings about the nature of food and food safety, how to make informed and appropriate food choices, while also experimenting with food in a sustainable manner.

Living Skills
The Living Skills curriculum is shaped by three key interconnected ideas that are informed by evidence-based research. It is designed to help students develop skills to function independently in society, run a household and be connected to the wider community and resources.
Cross-curriculum connections exist between the Living skills program and every other area within the school - Science, Maths, English, Food Tech and Health.
The Living Skills house inspires students to make the most of their outdoor spaces and promote a lifelong connection with the natural environment. Living Skills is a dynamic, collaborative and creative space providing unique opportunities for all students.
The curriculum supports students to nurture their natural curiosity about the world around them. The Living Skills curriculum provides a continuum of learning that meets the individual needs of each student at Rossbourne School.

Performing Arts
Through engagement in the Performing Arts curriculum, students are in essence learning to think, move, speak, listen and act with confidence. They work both independently and collaboratively, participating in creative, artistic processes through which they develop trust in themselves and each other. The curriculum supports students social and self-awareness.
Whilst students are encouraged to explore their own personal interests, beliefs and values, they are also challenged to think more flexibly, and to explore as many different ways to express their ideas and intentions.
As a students’ confidence and ability progresses, so does their capacity to be focused, innovative and resourceful.
Drawing upon on imagination, experiences and knowledge of materials and processes as starting points for creative exploration in all facets and strands of the Performing Arts.

Visual Arts
The Visual Arts is intrinsic to human expression and communication. Students are encouraged to use their own initiative and ideas that reflect their interests, imagination, experiences and observations. photography and digital imagery.
Through various mediums, techniques and technologies, students develop confidence and skills necessary to express and explore
ideas, to communicate meaning and imagery using visual language and conventions. Through studio practice and engagement students gain an awareness, enjoyment and understanding of the visual arts.

Work Related Skills
Work Education provides students with opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of the world of work. Students prepare for the working world by developing an understanding of the roles that education, training and employment play in their life. Students are introduced to the concept of life-long learning.
Students explore the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers, and workplace safety. Students are encouraged to explain their personal goals, attributes and values to inform future choices.
They develop transferable work-related, interpersonal, research and communication skills that relate to the world of work. Through their study of Work Education, students prepare for the working world by developing an understanding of themselves in relation to work, recognising their aspirations, and their specific likes and dislikes.
The purpose and roles of education, and further education providers in planning and managing their own transitions are investigated. Students are provided with the foundation skills to better equip them in obtaining work in their future years.